Rewind 3 weeks before my wedding in November . . . . . I went to see this doctor (Dr. Jessica Valenti) for the first time for an all around physical, and do get an antibiotic for Adam and I to take to Mexico, just in case any of us came down with anything. She received my file from my old doctor, and saw that I was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat in high school. She asked if she could do an EKG on me right then and there. I kindly declined, as my wedding was 3 weeks away, and again, for those of you truly know me, know how anxious that would make me.
Fast forward to Friday, at my 11:15 appointment . . . Dr. V looks and my throat, yelps at how swollen it is, does a strep test, and finds it's a viral infection (viral=they can't give me anything for do anything, it will just go away). She asks me how everything else is, and if I was ready for her to look at my heart. I said sure, while I was there I might as well kill two birds with one stone and get it over with and I had been experiencing little flutter in my heart for the past seven days that were making me dizzy. Enter, EKG machine. My EKG is done, and she says the machine threw up a few codes, but what she could see everything looked to be good. As everyone knows EKG's only show a 10 second interval of your heart, so she tells me she is sending me next door to the cardiologist to do a 24 hour halter to monitor my heart for 24 hours. She said it was very small and no one would notice I even had it on. (this would turn out to be untrue).
I walk into the cardiologist office (still with a terrible sore throat, fever, and bad mood) I fill out paperwork, and I'm seen right away. Long story short, they plug this thing onto me, that is anything but discreet. I leave the office, call hubbs and tell him to cancel dinner plan for the night, as I looked like I had a bomb strapped to me, and there wasn't a chance I was going into a nice restaurant looking the way I did. (we were suppose to go to Aquaknox, a new restaurant in town for our Valentines dinner)
I go back to work, but leave early, because I feel awful. Here are the pics of what this thing looked liked on me, you will understand now, why I was not up for a big night . . .
Enough said . . . .
But Adam and I still ned to go to get something to eat, we decided to head to GrillSmith, a little more casual, where I could get away with wearing something to cover my monitor. Thanks to my abundant wardrobe, I pulled it off . . .
SO that's that. I was able to take my monitor off today at 12:30, I did it at 12:28 :) after another sleepless night, I will be spending the whole day on the couch!
On to prettier things . . . here are the flowers Hubbs sent me at work on Thursday....
Until next time, here is to relaxing ....!
1 comment:
You have what I had the week before the shower. It's going around and absolutely sucks! My fever lasted for 3 days and my throat is still not totally better. Call me if you need anything! xoxo
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